
Telemanagement Resources International Inc. (TRI) helps clients meet their marketing needs through research, planning and implementation by emphasizing the following areas:

  • Market Research
  • Strategic Planning
  • Market Planning
  • Product Planning
  • Sales & Account Planning
  • Articles, White Papers & Case Studies
  • Webinars & Seminars
  • Blogs & Podcasts
  • Focus Groups
  • Distribution Channel Strategy
  • Training

TRI offers market research in a variety of telecommunications areas on a multi-client or client-specific basis. Examples of completed projects are: (1) multi-client studies on video, web/multimedia, and audioconferencing, and (2) market surveys of users and resellers to analyze the effectiveness of a major vendor’s product lines and methods of support. Other research includes information gathered for vendors on user technology preferences, distribution channel strategy, market research on the appropriate distribution channels for a European telecommunications product, and market research on the viability of a potential service offering for a major carrier.

Our strategic marketing planning includes essential components of market research, sales research, sales forecasting, & market planning. An example of a completed project is a strategic marketing plan for a major teleconferencing vendor. TRI maintains an extensive end user database that is updated regularly and can be used to obtain primary and secondary data as needed. This database is also used to conduct end user benchmarking studies.

Sales & Market Planning provides the process & tools which will help the sales force meet the revenue objectives set forth in the Strategic Marketing Plan. TRI also conducts telephone interviews, online surveys and end user focus groups to test and verify client sales and marketing plans.